
10 Benefits Of Facial Steaming for Acne: How To Do Step By Step

Apart from the removal of acne and blackheads, the facial steaming process also helps to provide relaxation to the skin. The warm steam reduces stress and gives a spa-like sensation.

  • Acne Management-

Steaming is helpful in different ways to different individuals. Acne is caused when the skin pores get blocked; giving your face steam helps to unblock these pores. Steam opens up the pores and makes product penetration easy.

  • Hydration-

Steam helps to hydrate and moisturize the skin. It helps to replenish moisture and restore healthy skin.

  • Boosts Collagen Development

After the steaming process, the face gets lots of blood, and along with the circulation of blood, it also receives nutrients and oxygen. This helps boost collagen production and also increases skin elasticity.

How to perform Facial Steaming

After understanding the benefits of facial steaming, let’s understand its process. Facial steaming can be done in three ways.

1. Face Steaming With Bowl Method

  • Place a big bowl on a table.
  • Adjust your chair according to the bowl.
  • Fill the bowl with hot water.
  • Tie your hair up with a rubber band.
  • Use a mild cleanser on your face for gentle exfoliation.
  • Take a big towel and put it on your neck.
  • Cover your face with the towel.
  • Put your face above the steam.
  • Keep the distance as much as you like.
  • You can add some essential oils and herbs to the water.
  • Give steam to your face for 10 minutes.

2. Face Steaming With Steamer

Facial steamers are also available on the market.

  • Buy a facial steamer. Read the instructions properly.
  • Fill the steamer with water and switch it on.
  • Secure your hair with a rubber band.
  • Place your face on the top of the steamer.
  • Take steam for 2–3 minutes.

3. Face Steaming with a Hot Towel:

If you do not like taking steam directly to your face, then you can try using the hot towel method.

  • Clean your face with a mild cleanser.
  • Take a fluffy and clean towel.
  • Soak the towel in hot water.
  • Sit on a chair and lean back.
  • Place the hot towel on your face
  • Cover the hot towel with a dry towel to restrict the passage of steam.
  • Keep the towel on for 10 minutes.

Disadvantages Or Side Effects of Facial Steaming

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