
10 Best Hobbies for People with Anxiety to Calm You Down Instantly

This is what happened to me:

  1.  My writing journey began with journaling about my childhood trauma and keeping a daily log of my thoughts, emotions and anxiety levels.
  2. Later, I felt inspired to write short stories about my life, which was a powerful experience because it helped me to realize just how much I had gone through in my life.
  3. Then, I started writing poetry which is where I actually found my writing talent.
  4. But the most surprising thing on this writing journey was that I left investment banking to create, a website for helping people with anxiety, and now I write content every single day.

In short, if you asked me at the start of this writing journey, “do you like writing?”, I would have answered “I don’t enjoy writing and I can’t really write all that well.”

Now I can tell you with utmost confidence and clarity that writing is my passion.

2. Listening to Calming Music 

Regularly listening to calming music can be a highly effective way to calm down quickly and ease your anxiety symptoms.

One study in 2017 concluded that

Music listening is associated with a decreased level of anxiety and distress.

I found this to be incredible, and putting on calming music became one of my my emergency anti-anxiety measures.

I have a few calming videos that I listen to over and over again. You might like to change things up a bit, but I listen to the same ones because I know they work immediately to calm me down.

I listen to the following videos on most days, usually while walking, when writing blog posts and before sleep.

3. Reading Empowering Books

2009 study at the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by up to 68%, so this is a highly effective hobby for people suffering from stress and anxiety.

Reading powerful books by beautiful authors such as Louise Hay, Eckhart Tolle, Jen Sincero, Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jack Kornfield, Shakti Gawain, and Wayne Dyer, helped me to get out a very dark anxiety hole.

I can’t thank these people enough for spreading such powerful messages and I have come to love their work so much.

Without exaggeration, I have read some of their books over and over again and I still pick them up now and read a few random pages when I need to be inspired.

I signed up to audible in 2012 and have been a loyal member since. This is a paid subscription and in my opinion worth the money because I got to listen to many inspiring teachers over the years which I could have not afforded if I was buying each book.

If you don’t know which book to start with, you can choose one of these three:

Louise Hay is a beautiful writer and this book is the first one I read on my healing journey. She writes with purity and transparency, and her voice is soothing and calming. Louise’s main message is “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.”

Dr. Chopra clearly outlines in this wonderful book what is the secret to a lasting happiness that cannot be taken away.

This is an amazing book. If you don’t mind profanity, Jen can help you change your self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors, so that you can finally live a life that you totally love.

4. Going for Walks  


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