
10 Best Metabolism Boosting Foods You Must Add To Your Diet

Staying hydrated is the key to good health. You must drink 3 liters of water per day. Increase the quantity if you work out regularly. Drinking adequate water will help flush out toxins from your colon, improve gut health, and help lower inflammation levels. German scientists have found that drinking 500 mL water increased the metabolic rate by a whopping 30% and increased energy expenditure by 100 kJ (5), emphasizing why water intake and maintaining hydration are truly important.

Drink a glass or two of water every hour. But make sure you do not go overboard and drink too much water as it can lead to water intoxication.

Denys Opria, a health, fitness, and lifestyle blogger, shares his discoveries on drinking 4 liters of water every day for a year. He found out in his research that drinking water increases metabolism by 25% for an hour. He explains, “A pleasant bonus was that a stable high metabolism may lead to losing weight. It wasn’t my initial goal, but I lost 4kg of fat during the year. 2kg in the first three months and 2kg in the following nine (ii).”

7. Yerba Mate Tea

Delicious yerba mate tea is another popular metabolism boosting and weight loss promoting agent. Scientists found that consuming yerba mate 120 minutes before workout improved satiety levels and increased the energy levels, mood, and metabolism (6).

Drink yerba mate tea twice a day to kick-start your metabolism and lose a few extra pounds.

8. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is just not a spice you use to enhance the taste of cakes and pancakes. This unassuming spice is a natural weight loss agent that works by increasing the metabolic rate. Research shows that cinnamon helps increase insulin sensitivity, reduces blood pressure, and lowers blood sugar levels (7).

The best way to consume cinnamon is to buy Ceylon cinnamon, powder it, and store it. Use this powder in your teas, salads, and soups.

9. Lentils

Lentils are a great plant protein source. They are naturally loaded with dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins. In fact, lentils can help protect you from various diseases like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancers (8). The protein and fiber keep your hunger pangs at bay, improve digestion, and flush out toxins from the colon. So, when your gut health is improved and hunger is reduced, your metabolism will increase naturally.

Consume boiled lentils or lentil soup for lunch or dinner.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, in the recent past, has gained a lot of popularity as the most effective weight loss agent. It helps boost metabolism by balancing the internal pH, lowering serum triglycerideXThe prominent constituent of human and vertebrate body fats, triglyceride is an ester. It is derived from glycerol and three fatty acids. levels, and reducing BMI value (9).

All you have to do is mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning. Buy or make apple cider vinegar at home, and reap all the health benefits that it has to offer.

11. Whole Eggs

Many think that egg yolks are the reason their cholesterol levels are high. But here’s the truth. Your cholesterol levels increase when you consume too many trans fats and unhealthy fats from various food sources like fried foods, takeaways, pizza, burger, wafers, soda, packaged fruit juices, etc. Egg yolks are rich in water-soluble (B and C) and fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D, K), which are needed for proper growth and body function, including metabolism (10), (11). Eggs are also rich in proteins, which include essential amino acids that help improve stamina and exercise performance (12).

Consuming 1-2 whole eggs per day will do you more good than harm. So, the next time, think about the benefits you are losing before tossing the egg yolk away.

12. Celery


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