Room Mothers here are 10 of my favorite class party activities we have done for Valentines parties… enjoy!
1. One of my favorites: Valentine Floats! You make this with vanilla ice cream, Cherry 7-Up and Red Vines for the straw!
2. Tying and stuffing homemade heart shaped pillows
3. “Don’t Eat Pete” – This is a game that can be used at any class holiday party. Have one child leave the room. The rest of the children decide on one spot that is the secret item (you can use raisins, candies, cereal, marshmallows). The child who left then reenters the group and one by one picks off the pieces of food until the group yells “Don’t Eat Pete!” when the secret piece is touched. Very simple, but very fun!
4. Valentine Bean Bag Toss – the mom who made this simply used a poster board. It was so cute! The beanbags were hearts with ribbon on them to look like cupid’s arrows.
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