5. Yummy cookie frosting and decorating – an easy classic that kids always love!
6. Homemade 3-D Valentine Hearts. I made this one up and will try to post a demonstration… But essentially, I took strips of red, pink and white paper. The red were slightly larger than the white, which were slightly larger than the pink. We folded each side down and stapled them to look like hearts and then attached a pipe cleaner. Then we tied a ribbon on it. There is a leaf with a hole punched in it. Each child got to write to/from on it. Then we slid it up the pipe cleaner. The kids took a pencil and curled the pipe cleaner so the leaf wouldn’t fall off. And then they were ready to give this cute 3D valentine to someone special!
7. Heart Attacks for the Principal – let the kids make hearts and decorate them. Then decorate the principal’s door to show her how much you love her!
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