
10 Crazy Hacks to not Look Tired and Droopy

These days most of the people are crazily occupied with busy schedules and not having time at least to doze off. Similarly, if you’re having very little sleep, travelling quite often, facing hectic days and whatever might be the reason, you get tired. The tiredness shows up on your face. Subsequently, your face appears to be dull, droopy and worn out.

So, if your life is on such a roller coaster ride, don’t worry. I’ve got some tips and tricks to not look tired and droopy.

But first, let us interpret the reasons which make us look tired, dull and droopy.

These things make you look absurdly tired!

  • Insufficient Sleep

The reasons for a tired looking face are many but the most common reason is poor sleep. Sleeping well is not just about how many hours of sleep you had the last night. Its also about setting a proper sleep time and sleeping patterns. The way you sleep, the time you sleep, posture in which you sleep, the sleep duration, everything matters. Before sleeping try to settle yourself for the night like come out of all the stress, relax your body & mind, sleep at 10 pm at least, and be aware of the bright lights to get the ultra-relaxing deep sleep.

  • Caffeine consumption

Drinking coffee early in the morning will eliminate the antioxidants which protect your skin’s elastin. Also, it dehydrates your skin by making it dull and dry. The dry skin obviously will lead to wrinkles. So, many dermatologists recommend switching to green tea which has less caffeine.

  • Dehydration

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