
10 Crazy Hacks to not Look Tired and Droopy

1. Cool your face with Ice cubes

how to never look tired

The effects of an Ice cube on the face are extremely incredible. Ice cubes are actually the inexpensive products which can treat any skin problems such as pimples, inflammation, puffy eyes, dark circles, wrinkles and many more. Any treatments with ice cubes is an amazing home remedy for tired and puffy eyes. In addition, it really works well with under eye bags because it closes the pores and makes your skin look smoother. Rubbing an Ice cube all over the eye is an instant remedy to make your face look more alive and refreshed.

What to do?
  1. Take a clean cloth and wrap an ice cube. Then start rubbing all over the eye area. Once your ice melts down, wipe your face with a tissue. You can also make an ice cube with few drops of lemon juice and olive oil. Ice cube reduces swelling, lemon tightens the skin and olive oil adds extra moisture to the eye area.
  2.  Similarly, you can make face packs with ice cubes using some amazing ingredients like Green tea, Tomato, and Aloe vera.

2. Frozen Veggies/Tea Bags can do the trick

how to never look tired

It may seem quite strange but the frozen veggies will also do the job perfectly. You need to put a bag of frozen veggies on your eyes in the morning as soon as you wake up. It opens up your eyes and makes your face look alive and refreshed. Identical to the ice treatment, the frozen veggies will surely help to cure the sleepy and droopy face.

For the under eye bags and tired looking face, green tea bags are amazing. They’re so great for your skin. The antioxidants in green tea will diminish away all the skin problems. Put the frozen green tea bags on your eyes and just lay back. After a few minutes, when the tea bags are no longer cold, move them under your eyes in circular motion. Later, rinse your face and pat dry.

3. Cold Spoon!

how to not look tired

  The most simpler way to get rid of the eye bags and tiredness is by using cold spoons. You feel like you’re wearing a cold eye mask. You can also notice the heat coming off from your eyes. So, when you’re working on busy schedules or when you feel so tired, I suggest you, put cold spoons over your eyes. They instantly de-puff your eyes and will give a fresh appearance.

What do you need to do?

Take two spoons, place them in a freezer and wait until they get cooled. Once they’ve cooled, gently place them on both your eyes and starting pressing with little pressure. The cold and the pressure will vanquish the eye bags and tired face. Keep the spoons on your eyes until they’re no longer cold. This is a simple trick to de-puff your eyes.

4. Apply a cool Moisturizer to your skin

For that extra dose of morning refreshment, apply a moisturizer all over your face. Store the moisturiser in the refrigerator for that extra cooling effect and revitalisation. If you apply a moisturiser correctly on your skin, it boosts hydration in your skin, prevents flakiness and dullness. Most importantly, it creates a layer of moisture that lasts the whole day. So, find out the best moisturiser with the refreshing ingredients like caffeine or green tea.

5. Using a Facial Mist

Facial mists will refresh the skin any time of the day. These thermal mists are a quick fix for the dull and tired face because they refresh, hydrate and pamper your skin. Face mists are basically fluids that are packed with nutrients which helps the skin to retain back the moisture. So, for that instant hydration and revitalization use a thermal mist for sure. Spray them onto your face and leave it on for a couple of minutes. Let the skin absorb all the mist and then pat dry.

6. Don’t skip Breakfast and Water

We’re so habituated to have a cup of coffee as soon as we wake up. Do you know, if your consuming coffee first, it dehydrates your skin? It’s actually the worst way of waking up. Try to replace the morning coffee with some detox drinks, a heavy breakfast and some plenty of water. This helps your skin to replenish and rejuvenate each morning without producing eyebags and tired looks.

7. Make a Ponytail Face-lift

Besides to all the natural tips, pulling your hair into a high tight ponytail will instantly open up your eyes. Because a high and tight ponytail will pull the skin upwards. Eventually, you will not have droopy eyes and tired looking face. So, as pulling your hair up into a high ponytail makes you look a lot less tired, tie up your hair tightly so you look refreshed.

8. Let’s give a chance for Makeup!

That said, you need not go for intensively heavy makeup. Firstly, start with curling your lashes. Curling those lashes will make a big difference to a hundredfold. It instantly opens up your eyes before doing the natural treatments. After curling, apply some mascara to your lashes. If you don’t want mascara just go gaga with curled lashes. Remember to do this hack every morning to not look tired throughout the day (not only when you look tired).

After finishing the first two steps, its time for the eyeliner and eyeshadow. Apply a black coloured or any colour eyeliner to the waterline and apply a white coloured eyeliner to the corner of your eyes. You can also, apply the white eyeliner to your waterline so as to feel more alive. Finally, end up the eye makeover by applying some eyeshadow. I prefer a natural colour or gold colour.

Next up, apply a concealer to the dark areas like under the eyes and the corners of your nose. It conceals all the dark circles and darker areas which are the sole reason for a tired face. Dust off some powder.

If you’re not a lipstick person, add some tinted lip balm to your lips. It completely changes the appearance of your face. Tinted lip balms will never give a tired look. So, investing in good makeup products will not burn a hole in your pockets.

9. Dress up with flattering clothes and accessories

Never compromise and go wrong with the dress you wear and the accessories. Of course, we invest a lot in dresses. So, wear some flattering clothes on a tired day and layer your dress with scarfs, glasses, hats and what not. The way you get dressed up also completely changes your looks from tired looks to astonishing looks.

10. Light exercises every morning

It’s a great job to wake up in the morning and perform some light exercises or stretches. However, for most of the people getting up early in the morning is a complex task. The light exercises and stretches will help you a lot in not looking tired the whole day. They boost up the blood circulation and keep your mind and body alive and awake. So, why not invest a quality time in the morning workouts?

These are some of the great and useful tips and tricks how I combat with tired looks every morning. Try these natural home remedies and the makeup tricks to not look tired the whole day though you’re actually tired. Do you follow any other tips or tricks to ace the refreshing looks? Comment below and let us know if any. We would love to know your ideas and tips.

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