
10 Early Signs That Your Partner Will Break Your Heart!

This could with one of his exes or multiple women. Also, if he’s polite to his exes, then it shows that he’s an inherently good person. But if he’s the kind who doesn’t think twice to hook up with his ex at the drop of a hint, then it’s time you used your head and made the right decision.

6. He’s a fantasist

He’s great at spinning elaborate and sometimes fantastical lies that you’re hard pressed not to believe in. This might be the tactic he uses to fool you into thinking that he’s in it for the long haul. And you being the eternal optimist that you are, you fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

7. He has a very *twisted* relationship with his phone

He’s on the phone all the fricking time, even when he’s in the bathroom. He’s basically addicted to the thing, and he probably can’t see straight if he’s asked to leave it alone for even a couple of hours. You need someone who you can have a conversation with, not talk at the back of someone’s phone! This is a red flag you need to be aware of – and stat.

8. He’s hard to talk to

Whether it’s talking to him about your work, or bringing up something that’s bothering you about your relationship, you just don’t seem comfortable talking to him. It could be because he seems too blasé about everything, or he seems disconnected and/or disinterested about the issues you want to tackle, or, he could be dismissive. If he shows any of these traits, then he’s definitely going to break you heart – in the near future.

9. He trivializes your concerns

You think there’s something wrong, and when you broach the subject with him, he dismisses your concern, making you feel as if you’re overthinking things, or worse, that you’re hysterical, on the verge of showing crazy behavior. No man is worth sticking around with if he makes you think and feel as if your concerns are without basis. Even if they are, he needs to sit you down and explain why they are so, not dismiss it as being the rantings of a hysterical woman.

10. He’s dating someone else

While you thought you were exclusive with each other, he’s gone ahead and started dating someone else. And he didn’t even have the courtesy to let you know that he wants to date multiple people at the same time. That’s like the basic rules of dating. Run, woman, because he will break your heart eventually.

There you go. If your man exhibits most or all of the signs mentioned above, then it’s time for you to remove your blinders and see the writing on the wall. However much you want to believe in the fact that “your love” will change him, don’t hold out hope. It rarely ever happens that way, if at all. You’re better off being alone than with someone who clearly isn’t ready for a relationship

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