
10 Foods To Strengthen Your Immune System (And 5 To Avoid)

There are many problems when it comes to sugar. One of these problems is that sugar can hurt your immune system. Eating too much sugar feeds parasites in your body and also deplete your body from immune-boosting nutrients, such as vitamin C, zinc, and glutathione. Sugar also contributes to the development of abnormal tissues in your body and may lead to cancer growth.

Sugar may also lead to depleted vitamin C levels. Back in the 1970s, Dr. John Ely discovered the Glucose-Acorbate-Antagonism, and realized that glucose (sugar) and vitamin C (ascorbate) have an incredibly similar chemical make-up. Both of them depend on insulin and its signals to get into your cells.

The problem is that glucose has a greater affinity than vitamin C. This means that the more glucose is in your body, the less vitamin C can enter your cells. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for your immune system, so the fact that sugar can interfere with its positive effects is a huge concern.

Sleep Deprivation

Getting regular quality sleep is essential for good immune health and your entire well-being. Your body needs time to rest and repair in order to function optimally. Not getting enough or quality sleep on a regular basis may increase the stress response in your body and disrupt the normal cycle of rejuvenation.

To protect your immune health, you need 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. Getting less than 7 hours of sleep on a regular basis may increase chronic stress, inflammation, and immune dysregulation in your body.

If you are having poor sleep read this article and address the root cause of this sleep disturbance.

Drinking Tap Water

Hydration is incredibly important for your immune health. However, what kind of water you are drinking matters are well. Unfortunately, municipal water is incredibly toxic to your body. It is high in toxins, such as chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, DBP’s, and arsenic.

To get quality water, it is important to have a proper water filtration system at home. Drinking spring water may be an option as well, however, limit plastic bottles as much as possible. The plastic can leak into the water you are drinking leading to inflammation and health issues. Stainless steel and glass bottles are a safer bet when you are out and about or looking for the convenience of a water bottle.

Staying Indoors

Chances are, you are like most people in our modern world and spend 90 percent or more of your life indoors. The problem is that staying indoors all the time, you are missing out on the protective factors of nature.
You are missing out on the benefits of fresh air, vitamin D from the sun, and grounding. Instead, your indoor environment may come with indoor toxins, such as mold or chemical toxins, that can be harmful to your immune health.

Chronic Dehydration

Water is essential for your health, including your immune health. Just think about it, your life began in water. Fetuses are after all surrounded by water in the womb. Most of your body is water. No wonder, your body needs good hydration to form a strong immune system.

In our modern, busy world, many people simply forget to drink enough. Consuming caffeine, sugar, and alcohol has further dehydrating effects as well. When your body is chronically dehydrated, it must take water from different parts of your body. This can lead to headaches, chronic pain, constipation, allergies, and a variety of health issues.

Top Foods For Immune Health


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