
10 Places Where Men Most Love To Be Touched

3. Play with his tongue a little bit.

A little tongue action while the two of you are Frenching is always going to be welcome. Don’t be afraid to play around with it a little bit. Get creative and respond to his advances. Give him healthy doses of aggression and gentleness just to mix things up.

4. Whisper in his ear.

Make it seem very intimate and discreet. Make him feel like there is a secret that you want to tell him. There are certain pleasures and sensations that arise as a result of being whispered to – and men absolutely love that.

5. Play with his hands and feet.

There’s no denying that the touching of hands and feet can often lead to sex. There’s just something inherently sexy about the meeting of two peoples’ limbs.

6. Gently lick his nipples.

Take not that not all guys are typically going to be into this – and it’s unlikely that guys will love it more than girls do. However, men’s nipples can still be very sensitive areas that will crave for some stimulation. Just try it out once to see if your man likes it.

7. Grab a hold of his sacrum.

If you happen to be making love to one another and he happens to be facing you, try to grab a hold of his sacrum – or in other terms, his lower back. You are adding support to the position that you’re in and it shows him that you are staying mindful of other aspects of his body with your hands especially.

8. Run your hands through his inner thigh.

This is a very suggestive gesture that is going to drive a lot of men crazy. When you run your hands, fingers, feet, lips, or tongue up his thigh, it’s going to make him wild. You are essentially suggesting to him that you want to go to the ultimate hotspot, but you stop just shy of it. It’s a tease but he’s going to be welcome to it.

9. Play with the perineum.

Not a lot of women are familiar with the perineum and not guys may know this as well so that might make things a little more challenging at first. It’s the area of a man’s body that can be found just between his anus and his scrotum. This area is actually a very sensitive erogenous zone and a lot of men enjoy the pleasure of stimulation there.

10. Find the man’s F spot.

You are probably familiar with the idea of a G spot. Of course, you are. You are a woman. But have you ever heard of a guy’s F spot? F actually stands for frenulum and most guys love to be stimulated in that area. It is actually the underside of his penis that is composed of loose skin. It should be shaped like a V and most pleasure centers are found at the tip of that V.

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