FoodHealth & Fitness

10 Potent Home Remedies For Allergies

1. Ginger

Ginger is widely praised for its excellent medicinal and culinary purposes. It works as an antihistamine which plays a pivotal role in relieving symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis. To prepare ginger tea, put finely chopped ginger in a cup of water, boil for 15-20 minutes and drink early in the morning. You can also add a natural sweetener like honey if the taste is too strong.

2. Probiotics

Apart from maintaining a healthy gut, probiotics can help to treat seasonal allergies. Furthermore, probiotics have a positive impact on your immune system. Examples of foods rich in probiotics include kefir, yogurt, and cheese.

The good bacteria, in probiotics, can also be found in fermented soybeans, dried cereals, and some powdered drinks. Medical experts recommend that you take one glass of yogurt every day. You may also consider purchasing dietary probiotic supplements in the form of capsules or tablets.

3. Garlic

Garlic works as a natural immune booster, thus, making you more resistant to allergens. Garlic also helps to ward off viruses and infections thanks to its antibacterial properties. To keep allergies at bay, chew a few garlic cloves every day. However, if you don’t like the smell, you can incorporate them into your dishes or go for garlic supplements.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is loaded with vitamin A, B6, and acetic acid which help to boost the immune system.

These nutrients also help to balance the body’s pH, and most importantly cleanse the lymphatic system. When allergies hit, dissolve unfiltered ACV in warm water and drink up to 3 times a day. Alternatively, you can add some lemon or raw honey. Discontinue this treatment if you experience allergic reactions like swelling or itching.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric contains curcumin, an active ingredient which works as an antihistamine. This herb is potent in reducing the inflammation in your respiratory tract. To reduce the severity of allergic symptoms, mix two teaspoons of organic honey with one teaspoon of turmeric powder.

Eat the mixture 2-3 times a day. Alternatively, you can add 1-2 teaspoon of turmeric in warm milk, stir well and then drink the solution up to two times a day. Your doctor can also advise how to take turmeric supplements.

6. Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation helps to remove irritants like dust and pollen which can cause inflammation in the air passages. Steam inhalation could also help with nasal congestion. For this remedy, put some boiling water into a basin, cover your head with a thick towel and then inhale the hot air for 10-15 minutes. After that, blow your nose to remove the excess mucus.

For optimal results, you may want to add some essential oils like peppermint oil, rosemary oil or eucalyptus oil. Be careful not to scald your skin with this remedy. Continue with steam inhalation for a couple of days until you clear your nasal passage. The method may not be suitable for young children.

7. Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle contains antihistamine agents which give quick relief to allergic symptoms like itching, coughing, sneezing, and uncomfortable congestion. To prepare stinging nettle tea, steep dried nettle leaves in water for 15 minutes and drink while still hot. You can also add the leaves to your soups, smoothies, and salads. Pregnant women and lactating mothers should avoid using this herb.

8. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin C is the best natural alternative to over-the-counter medications. Vitamin C eliminates free radicals from the body and boosts your immune system. Furthermore, it lowers the histamine levels which prevent the allergies.

Examples of foods rich in ascorbic acid include strawberries, lemons, broccoli, potatoes, kiwi, and grapefruits. There is also some evidence that shows intake of vitamin C supplements can prevent the onset of allergies by up to 40%.

9. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic technique that involves swishing organic coconut oil in your mouth early in the morning. You should hold the oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes before spitting it out. Once done, brush your teeth. Ideally, the oil will kill all the bacteria in your mouth. The taste of the oil may put you off, but you’ll get used to it with time. You can substitute coconut oil with sesame oil.

10. Honey

Raw, unfiltered honey comes with an array of health benefits thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, mix one teaspoon of raw honey with a quarter cup of lemon juice and then add to a cup of hot water. Drink the solution very early in the morning before you take your breakfast. Follow this regimen throughout the allergy season.

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