Health & FitnessTricks

10 Proven Ways to Improve Your Eyesight

5. When you are out for a walk in the open air, try to look into the distance more often rather than focusing on your own legs or immediately in front of you.

6. Drink carrot juice as often as possible (preferably every day).

If you want to achieve the maximum benefit from this practice, add one or two drops of olive oil to it. It won’t spoil the taste, but it will help you absorb the healthy elements in the carrot juice more effectively.

7. If your eyes are irritated in the evening, you can use aloe vera juice instead of regular eyedrops. However, consult your doctor first before using this natural remedy.

10 Proven Ways to Improve Your Eyesight
8. When your eyes feel tired, wash them with warm water.

9. Try not to stare at the screen of a computer, TV, or smartphone for at least 2 hours before going to bed.

10. Try out the Indian Trataka exercise for the eyes. It will help your eyes and your mind to stay focused.

10 Proven Ways to Improve Your Eyesight
Sit facing a small stationary object placed in an open space (a candle, for example). Focus your eyes and all of your attention on it. Try not to blink. You should aim to have a firm, detailed image of the object in your mind and memory.

Then close your eyes, and focus your attention on the space between your eyebrows, trying to keep the image of the object in your head for as long as you can. Do this for around 10 minutes.

The aim of the exercise is to achieve a clear image of something before your eyes become tired.

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