
11 Financial Habits You Need to Master | Money Habits of the Wealthy

When it comes to your money, the first rule of thumb is that you need to own your finances. Your money, your rules, right? But in order to be confident with your finances, you need to develop some basic financial habits so that you’re in control of your money — rather than your money be in control of you.

From creating a budget to avoiding lifestyle inflation, we’re covering 11 financial habits you need to master for financial success. Keep reading and let’s get right into it!

1. Track your money

First things first: track your money. This means knowing exactly how much money you’re bringing in, and how much money you’re spending. And I’m talking about getting real nitty gritty here. Get into the habit of tracking literally every dollar you make and spend. How much money did you earn last month? What did you spend on groceries? How much did you save?

If it feels like too much – think about it. Every single dollar you make, is money that you’ve earned with hard work, blood, sweat, and tears. (Okay, hopefully not blood and tears, but hard work for sure.) Just like you’d pay attention to anything else important in your life, don’t forget to pay attention to your money too.

If you need some help with getting this all down on paper, then get your free copy of our Money Moves Toolkit.

2. Live below your means


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