
11 Genius Things You Can Use Your Lip Balm For Other Than Healing Chapped Lips

Ask any girl what her first ever makeup product was and she’d definitely answer with a smile — a lip balm! The journey from a basic lip balm to the bold red lipstick is nostalgic, isn’t it? Back in school, when lipsticks weren’t allowed, we used lip balms, until we were finally given a green signal by our mothers to use the extremely appealing red lipstick.

Nonetheless, lips balms come in handy when it’s a dry day outside or when you want to add a little shine to your matte lipstick. They make sure that your lips are soft, healthy, and moisturized. As you already might know, there are many types of lip balms that you can choose from — the tinted ones, the colorless ones, the scented and flavored ones, and the glossy ones! But did you know that you can use your lip balm in many other non-lip ways too? (Yeah, we just made up that “non-lip“ word)

Lip balms are amazing when it comes to skin care and also makeup. Confining them to just your lips would be a crime because they have the potential to do so much more! Don’t believe us? Try these amazing lip balm hacks and then decide for yourself if they live up to the hype we’re stressing about or not.

1. Apply It Around Your Eyes To Reduce Wrinkles

Lip balms provide intense moisturization and they help you prevent wrinkles around your eyes. Take some lip balm on your finger tips, and massage your eye area before you go to bed. Also, the application of a slightly orange-colored lip balm around your eyes before you put on a concealer will give your eye makeup a much more natural look.

2. Dab Some Of It On Your Cheekbones For That Extra Glow


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