
11 Genius Things You Can Use Your Lip Balm For Other Than Healing Chapped Lips

Try dabbing a bit of colorless lip balm on your cheekbones and the tip of your nose. This helps if you don’t want to use a highlighter. Using a lip balm after you’re done with the makeup will give your face a natural and subtle shimmer with a dewy makeup finish

3. Use A Q-Tip With Lip Balm To Remove Eye Makeup

Often times, we get annoyed while removing our stubborn eye makeup, don’t we? No matter how much you wipe it off, you always wake up looking like a panda the next day(especially after those smokey eye nights). Using a q-tip with some lip balm will help you remove even the last bit of makeup that is stuck between the roots of your lashes.

4. Apply Lip Balm On Your Eyelashes And Eyebrows For Thicker Growth

Use a clean mascara brush to apply some lip balm on your eyelashes and brows before you go to bed. This will help in keeping the hair strands thicker and healthier. Make sure that the balm doesn’t get into your eyes and try to avoid the mint flavored ones.

5. Use Lip Balm To Hold Your Eyebrows In Place

Do you have eyebrows that droop down like it were a dead flower? Worry not, because a bit of your best lip balm can solve this issue. A good, clean mascara brush with some balm on it will help you pull up your brows.

6. Tame Flyaway Hairs By Brushing A Bit Of Lip Balm

Flyaway hair and baby hair strands are the most annoying things in the world when you want a sleek pony or a neat bun. After you’re done setting your hair, apply some lip balm in the area and comb your hair gently. It works as a good hair gel without bringing in any damage.

7. Massage It On To Your Cuticles To Keep Them Healthy


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