
12 Effective Baba Ramdev Yoga Exercises For Eyes

Before that, let’s find out the uniqueness of Baba Ramdev Yoga.

Baba Ramdev is a yoga guru from India. He popularized yoga practice through television and yoga camps in India and a few other countries.Pranayamai  XThe act of controlling one’s breath, which is a crucial part of yoga, an activity that promotes both physical and emotional wellness.  and some other yoga poses that heal certain illnesses are the focus of his yoga. We have discussed Baba Ramdev Yoga exercises for the eyes in this article. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

Baba Ramdev Eye Exercises

  1. Eye Rotation- Up And Down
  2. Eye-Rotation- Sideways
  3. Eye-Rotation- Clockwise And Anti-Clockwise
  4. Palming
  5. Trataka
  6. Bhastrika Pranayam
  7. Kapalbhati Pranayama
  8. Bahya Pranayam
  9. Anuloma – Viloma Pranayama
  10. Udgeeth Pranayama
  11. Agnisara Kriya
  12. Shavasana

1. Eye- Rotation- Up and Down


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