
12 Effective Baba Ramdev Yoga Exercises For Eyes

Benefits: Constantly moving your eyes helps keep eye disorders at bay and improves vision.

Procedure: To do the up and down eye rotation, sit on the floor with legs stretched out. Keep your back and head erect. Place both your hands on the respective knees.Close your right fist and place it on your right knee with the thumb facing upwards. Keep your gaze fixed on any object in front of you. Now, breathe out deeply and take your gaze upwards, keeping your head fixed. Breathe in and get back your gaze to the object. Do the same from lower gaze to upper gaze. Repeat the same procedure with the left fist on your left thigh. Close your eyes for 15 seconds before repeating the exercise. Do the exercise 10 times.

2. Eye-Rotation- Sideways

Benefits: Side movement of eyeballs is good for people with myopia and hypermetropiai  XA condition in which the image of a nearby object is formed behind the retina, which makes it difficult for a person to see nearby objects. .

Procedure: To do sideway rotation, sit down in Padmasana keeping your head and back erect. Stretch your arms forward with your fists clasped and closed and thumbs facing upwards, replicating the Linga mudra. Keep your gaze fixed on the thumbs. Bring the clasped fists closer to your eyes, placing them in between your eyebrows. Move the fists to the right, with your eyeballs following the path. The head should remain straight while doing so. Bring the fists back to in between the eyebrows with your eyes following back. Repeat the same on the left side. Repeat the entire procedure ten times, closing your eyes for 10 seconds after every repetition.

3. Eye-Rotation- Clockwise and Anti-Clockwise

Benefits: Clockwise and Anti-clockwise rotations relax the eyes and safeguard them from any diseases and disorders. This exercise is ideal for those who spend long hours in front of the computer.

Procedure: To do this rotation, sit down in Padmasana with your head and spine erect and hands resting on your knees in yoga mudra. Lift the right fist with thumb facing upwards. Keep your elbow straight while doing so. Focus your eyes on the thumb, keeping your head straight. Move your thumb clockwise with your gaze following it. Repeat this five times and do the same anti-clockwise for another five times. Repeat the entire process by shifting your gaze towards the left thumb.

4. Palming


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