Oregano oil contains antiseptic compounds, as well as being an effective agent in drying out skin tags. Use three drops of oregano oil in six drops of a neutral carrier oil (such as coconut), and apply it three times a day for 3-5 weeks until the tag falls off by itself.
7. Tea Tree Oil
Take a small cotton wool ball and place 3 drops of tea tree oil on it. Now dab at the skin tag using circular motions. Do this three times a day for at least 5 days. The skin tag should vanish.
8. Potato
Along with a host of skin-friendly vitamins and minerals, potato has wonderful astringent properties that can dry out skin tags. Slice a small piece of potato, place it over the skin tag, and keep in place with a bandaid. Replace the potato every few hours.
9. Fig Stem Juice
Buy some figs with their stems intact. Remove a couple of stems, run them through a blender, and apply the juice four times a day every day for a few weeks.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar
Soak a cotton wool ball in apple cider vinegar and press it firmly against the skin tag, holding in place with a bandaid or bandage. Repeat every day until the skin tag has gone.
11. Nail Polish
Nail polish is naturally drying, and forms a tight cast around the skin tag that will cause it to loosen and drop off. Simply dab a couple of drops of polish onto the skin tag and wait a few days to see the effects.
12. Banana Peel
Cut a small piece of banana skin and place it over the skin tag. Keep it in place with a bandage, replacing the peel every day. After around 2 weeks, the skin tag should fall off.