2,042 1 minute read
- Diet
With gastritis, it’s important to follow a diet and the breaks in between your meals can’t be too long. Spices, spicy foods, soda, alcohol, and smoking should be eliminated. Food should be warm, not hot and should also be softened or mashed so it doesn’t irritate the stomach. Don’t eat fried or smoked dishes, try boiled and steamed food instead.
- Visit a doctor
Even if you had some of the above symptoms yesterday, and today they disappeared and you feel much better, you still shouldn’t skip going to the doctor. Because it’s the doctor who can order a gastroscopy for you, which is the most accurate way to diagnose the stomach. They can also conduct other related procedures.
- Medication
It’s necessary to take special medications that reduce acidity and envelop the walls of the stomach. Given that gastritis can be caused by a bacteria, it’s worth taking antibiotics to get rid of it. Сonsult a doctor and they will provide you with the proper treatment.
With gastritis, a white-gray or dark gray coating on the tongue is often observed. It all depends on the severity of the disease. You can check it with a spoon.
- Take a spoon.
- Swipe your tongue, scraping the coating.
- Check the color of coating