Health & Fitness

14 Best Healthy and Safe Foods for Dog

Looking for healthy treats for your pup? Here’s a list of 16 whole foods, including meats, fruits, and veggies, that are not only safe for humans but also beneficial for dogs.

Many dog owners admit to sharing a little of their own food with their furry friends. While some human foods are safe for dogs, it’s important to remember that dogs have different digestive systems and nutritional needs. This means that not all human foods are suitable for them.

The good news is that there are plenty of dog-friendly meats, fruits, and vegetables that make excellent snacks for dogs. Whether you’re looking for healthy dog treats or want to add some whole foods to your dog’s diet, here are some of the best options that are nutritious for both dogs and humans.

Important Note: Just like with humans, these foods should be given to dogs in small or moderate amounts. Treats should only make up about 10% of your dog’s diet, even if they come from the list below. Additionally, remember that not every dog will enjoy or tolerate all foods. If your dog has a negative reaction to any food, stop feeding it to them and consult your veterinarian.

Here’s the list of safe and healthy foods for your dog:


Cooked chicken is an excellent source of protein for dogs. For the best results, use skinless chicken and boil it. Once cooked, you can feed a small portion to your dog a few times a week. A popular recipe is chicken and rice: cook a cup of rice, boil a chicken breast

Cooked chicken is an excellent source of protein for dogs. For the best results, use skinless chicken and boil it. Once cooked, you can feed a small portion to your dog a few times a week. A popular recipe is chicken and rice: cook a cup of rice, boil a chicken breast, shred it, and mix it with the rice. For added nutrition, you can also include a vegetable like string beans.

Important Tips:


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