Take a walk with me into another dimension where wd-40 is no longer just used for rusty hinges and squeaks. In this article, I have listed 12 brilliant and genius ways that you can use wd-40 in your home.
The spray removes nail polish, scuff marks and paint from tile floors, and also help you wipe away dirt from the tiles also. Clean up with soapy water.
You can use this on walls too. Simply spray the wd-40 on the stained area.
After doing this, use a soft rag to wipe the area. You will be surprised to see how wonderful your floor looks.
If you have a family with little tattering about in your house, very soon you are going to need something to clean those crayon marks from your walls. If this is the case you will want to get rid of those ugly crayon marks.
Follow this method. All you have to do is spray wd 40 on the wall or floor.
Then scrub the area with a soft sponge. This shouldn’t be too hard, as wd-40 would have made the job easier.
If you have carpet stains it’s really an annoying sight to the eyes. Stains can make your carpets look disgustingly dirty.
If you have a visitor the welcoming stains on your carpet are the first things they are going to see, now if you want to get rid of the carpet stains all you have to do is spray the WD 40 on the stain.
Then leave it for 2 minutes, then use a sponge and warm soapy water to clean the carpet.
Squeaky hinges can be really irritating sometimes. But getting rid of it is not that hard. As you know wd-40 is the master at removing squeaks from hinges.
All you have to is apply wd 40 and start rotating the hinge back and forth. Do this until the squeaking vanishes.
After Removing a label, you will realize that there is a sticky residue left behind. To get rid of the left behind residue is quite simple and easy to do.
All you have to do is spray the WD 40 on the residue. Then let it rest on the area for 2 minutes. Then wipe the surface with a soft clean cloth.
6.PREVENT WASP FROm building nestS
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