

To remove grease stains whether on clothes or items in the home such as your floor and furniture. Refer to #9. This laundry detergent can be used to paste on grease spots on clothes for 1 hour before washing.

For grease spots on furniture on wooden floors and other surfaces add a little more dish soap to make it into a paste-like substance. Apply it directly onto the stain.

For wooden objects allow sitting for 5 minutes. Use a soft damp sponge to wipe the area. PLEASE NOTE: Before using any chemical on wood test the substance on a small area for signs of damage before applying it to a wider area.


The Amish don’t have air fresheners well, in one way they do, but only a bit more creative and natural. To make your home smell fresh and natural without any harsh chemicals try doing this.

Some plants are natural air fresheners. These can be placed in different areas of your home to deodorize the home. Another way is to gather all the pine cones you can.

Place them in small containers then sprinkle drops of wonderful smelling scented oils on the pine cones. This will diffuse in the room and the smell is to be experienced on your own.

A favorite of mine is mint as they give off a nice fragrance when brewed, and the leaves made my room smell amazing. Simply pour 1 cup of the brew into a spray bottle. Add to this 10 drops of baby powder or lavender-scented oil and mist your entire home.


Fabric is given its color with beautiful colors called dyes. Though making our clothes into the color we want them in these dyes can bleed when collided with water causing the color to become pale very quickly. Most times these bleeding clothes items can damage other clothing if washed together.

To stop the bleeding, submerge the item you suspect into a bucket of room-temperature water. Pour in 1 cup of salt and turn over the item in the water. Allow sitting for 15 minutes. Remove and wash preferably by itself.


Not only will this homemade laundry detergent save you tons of cash but is a natural laundry detergent too. Who wouldn’t go for this when the whole world is trying to go the eco-friendly way even though the Amish got there before us. You can be a part of this with this solution.

To make your own Amish laundry detergent you’ll need… 3 cups Borax, 1/2 cup Dawn dish soap, 1 cup grated Fels-Naptha. In a bowl that has a lid, pour in the borax the add the grated Fels-Naptha. Replace the lid on the container and shake vigorously. 

Shake until you see a crumb-like texture appearing. Remove the lid and add the dish soap cover and shake once more. Now, this solution is ready to give you natural bright, and clean laundry results.


An amazing way to clean your bathroom and have it smelling amazing for days is with a simple recipe that the Amish use to make their bathroom spotless. This solution can be used to clean your bathroom sinks, floor, bathtub, shower, tiles, and toilet. What else could we ask for?

In a small spray bottle pour in 3 tablespoons Pine-Sol and 1 tablespoon household bleach. fill the bottle with water. Shake well and mist the area in the bathroom you wish to clean. For the toilet, all you need to do is to spray the inside and the outer areas then clean. Your bathroom will smell like a combination of wonderful and amazing at the same time!


Stovetops get messy ever so often. This can be quite unavoidable as spills happen while we cook. Here’s something that the Amish do to protect their stoves from sticky and greasy spills.

Line the top of the stove with aluminum foil paper only allowing the burners to be left out. When the spill occurs it will fall onto the aluminum foil. When you are through cooking remove the foil and your stove will still be clean. Here is more on how to clean a stovetop…


The Amish way of cleaning baked-on food and grease on their stoves’ is with this simple solution. Combine a mixture of vinegar, dish soap, and warm water into a spray bottle.


Spray on the stovetop and allow to sit while you do something else. Go back to the stove using a ball of steel wool or Scotch Brite. Move your hands in a gentle scrubbing motion across the stove.

By now the food particle should be soft and making it easy. You can also substitute the vinegar with a fabric softener. When you are through simply wipe with a clean warm damp cloth until the top is completely spotless.


It’s hard to say what type of countertops you may have in your home. The wrong chemicals used on certain types of material can cause damage. With this Amish countertop stain removing recipe, your countertop will be safe no matter the material it’s made from. To remove stains from your countertops.


Apply just a few drops of chloride toothpaste directly to the stain. Spread it around a little with your finger then pour on the exact spot a dab of Murphy’s oil soap and spread once more.

Take a break for 10 minutes then wipe away the paste with a warm damp cloth or sponge. Repeat the process based on the type of stain as some stains are more concentrated therefore needing more time for penetration of the recipe.


Washing in the Amish family is done regularly. The products used to do the laundry are mostly homemade. One amazing way the Amish women get their clothes soft and fluffy is with Murphy’s Oil Soap and Distilled vinegar.

To make your Amish homemade fabric softener do this. You’ll be needing a gallon jug,1 cup White vinegar, and 1 cup Murphy’s Oil Soap. Fill the jug with warm water. Pour the vinegar and the oils soap into the jug. Cover and shake well to dissolve. Pour a cup or two of this solution when doing your laundry along with a regular laundry detergent. Perfect for washing bath towels and dishtowels


Avoid the fancy toilet bowl cleaners. They are way too expensive and worst of all some of those toilet cleaners will flare your allergies like fireworks. The Amish way of cleaning a toilet bowl is with products you can easily find in the kitchen. Isn’t that surprising? To clean your toilet grab hold of a bottle of


white vinegar. Pour 1/4 cup of vinegar into the toilet bowl. Allow the vinegar to sit for a few minutes. Use a toilet brush to swish around in the bowl a couple of times.

The vinegar operates as a bleaching agent removing bad odors and stains including urine rings which is a common toilet problem. When you use vinegar to clean your toilet bowl, your job is done, and it cost you less to nothing. Leaving you with a clean toilet.


The Amish believe in natural floors and that is expected as they prefer the natural way of life. Cleaning their wooden floor is only done with all-natural cleaning recipes that are homemade and safe. To clean your wooden floor follow this incredible recipe.


Use a broom to sweep the floor removing all the dust and debris as much as you can. Move on to using a bucket filled with warm water to mop the floor. Avoid excess water in the mop as you mop the floor as this will cause damage to the wood.

When you’re through mopping dab a few drops of olive oil on the damp mop {5 drops at a time} Add more as required and continue wiping until your floor looks glowy and radiant. You may also like: 15 AMISH DAILY HOUSEHOLD AND LIFESTYLE PRACTICES WE NEED TO KNOW

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