
15 Things I wish I knew to stop Buying to Save Money Faster

Working in the service industry my whole life, money has always been tight. Sometimes I had less than $10 in my account and more than a week to go until my next payday.

If you have also been in a similar situation you might have found yourself searching for how to save money on a minimum wage.

When you are stuck in a job you do not enjoy and don’t feel appreciated, you will want to ‘treat yourself with dumb purchases to make yourself feel better.

But the truth is that these things you shouldn’t be spending money on will leave you even more broke and miserable.

I have been there myself and I know firsthand how hard it is to stop needless spending and how to avoid wasting money.

So in addition to making extra money in 2023 by taking Surveys for extra cash, I decided to also get a lot smarter with my money and add 16 things to stop buying to save money to my list of New years promises in 2023.

These are the 16 things I no longer buy to save my money

Here are the top 16 silly things adults waste money on. Even if you just cut one or two of these out, you can save so much money and be better off financially.

1. Dryer Sheets and Fabric Softener

Instead of buying expensive dryer sheets and fabric softener, I decided to invest in these adorable and cheap hedgehog dryer balls that are reusable and save me money and energy in the long run.

They work by tumbling in the dryer and lift and separating laundry, allowing hot air to flow more efficiently. The dryer balls also soften the fabrics eliminating the need of using fabric softener!

2. Takeaway food


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