Health & Fitness

18 Best Exercises To Slim and Tighten Loose Thighs at Home

thigh fat burning exercises

Burpees is a four-step process that helps burn excess fat in your thighs; it also enables you to maintain a healthy and fit body.

How To Do:

  • Stand erect with your hand on your side.
  • Slowly move into a squat position placing your hands on the ground.
  • Keep your arms extended and kick back your feet, forming a plank position.
  • Slowly come back into the squat position.
  • Now stand up from the squat posture.
  • Repeat the procedure for 10 to 15 times.

3. Leg Circles:

thigh strengthening exercises

This is similar to leg lift, except you rotate the legs in a circular position. The circular movement makes the fat burn much faster. It also helps you tone your legs that become saggy after the weight loss.

How To Do:

  • Sleep on the yoga mat with your back on the floor.
  • Place your hands on the sides with palms facing the ground.
  • Now slowly lift your legs together from one side and gradually to the centre and then to the other side of the body and then slowly downward, forming a full circle.
  • Repeat the circling process, both clockwise and anti-clockwise.
  • Do it for 10 to 15 times.

4. Jumping Jacks:

workouts to lose thigh fat

Jumping jacks is another simple way to lose all the unnecessary flab in your thighs. It also improves your body agility and is an excellent work out session. It is one of the simple exercises to reduce thigh fat.

How To Do:

  • Stand erect with your legs together and hands on the side.
  • Bend your knees slightly and jump up with your hand in the upward direction.
  • As you jump, remember to mover your legs shoulder-width.
  • Jump back into the initial position.
  • Repeat the process 15 to 20 times.

5. Step-Ups:

outer thigh exercises

It is a stretch exercise that can be done with the help of a simple step stool. It helps strengthen your thigh muscles by burning the excess fat. It also enables you to get a toned lower body.

How To Do:

  • Stand straight with both legs together and hands on the sides.
  • Place your right foot on the step stool, applying pressure on the right foot to place your left foot along with the right foot.
  • Return to the starting position with your right foot first and joined by the left leg.
  • Try doing 15 with the right foot in the lead, followed by the left foot.

6. Side Shuffle Switch:


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