
20 Strange but Effective Everyday Uses for Castor Oil

If you tend to have dry scalp or dandruff, you can rub a little castor oil into your scalp and massage it in to alleviate the flakes and itchiness. Incidentally, the oil works really well as conditioner, too. Just mix 2 teaspoons with an egg white and a teaspoon of glycerin and massage into your wet hair. After a few minutes, rinse with warm water.

4. Arthritis Pain Reliever

Massaging castor oil into achy joints will give you a bit of relief from the pain of arthritis. You can mix castor oil with enough turmeric or cayenne powder to make a paste and then rub it into your joints. Be sure that you don’t get this in your eyes, especially if you choose to use cayenne pepper instead of turmeric.

5. Repeal Moles in the Yard

Moles hate castor oil, probably as much as children do. If moles are tearing up your yard or your garden, must mix ½ cup of castor oil with about 2 gallons of water and pour into the molehills. Note that the castor oil will not kill the little creatures but it will definitely make them start looking for somewhere else to hang out.

6. Healthy Bowels

While you should use caution anytime you actually ingest castor oil (because it works so well as a laxative), mixing just a teaspoon into orange or cranberry juice each morning will keep your bowels working regularly. You can also take a teaspoon if you want to detox your intestines but again, be sure that you limit how much you actually ingest.

7. Perk Up Ferns

If your ferns seem to be a bit less than healthy, a mixture of castor oil will perk them right up. Just combine a tablespoon of the oil with 4 cups of warm water and a tablespoon of baby shampoo. Drip about 3 tablespoons into the dirt around the fern and then follow with regular water.

8. Healthy Skin

You can apply castor oil directly to your skin if you want a more youthful glow. Many people don’t know that this oil is great for eliminating and preventing wrinkles and for pregnant women, castor oil rubbed into the skin can help to improve elasticity and prevent stretch marks caused by pregnancy.

9. Calluses and Corns


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