
25 Fail-Proof Frugal Living Tips to Reduce your Household Expenses This Year

Meal Planning is the frugal living tip that I absolutely swear by! This one little habit has helped me reduce my household expenses by hundreds each month! Meal Planning allows you to organize all meals for the upcoming week and takes the guessing out of things. Because of this, you can make a grocery list based on items that are needed only. Before your trip to the grocery store, you can check your pantry so that you do not end up buying items that you already have, thereby reducing waste and reducing your grocery bill.

Making one trip to the grocery (instead of several trips per week) will also reduce your spending since you’re less likely to be tempted to pick up random, unnecessary items during every trip.

3. Use Coupons

Coupons are so easy to use and totally accessible these days. Coupons can help you save hundreds if used the right way! Shopping online? Don’t place the order until you search for a coupon code! Visit to the grocery store? See if there are any available coupons for the items on your grocery list!

Set of cut coupons for shopping to save money - frugal living tips

4. Use Cash Back Apps

Another frugal living idea to adopt this year is the use of cash back apps. Who doesn’t like some extra cash in their pockets? If you have certain financial goals this year, you know just as much as I do that every.single.dollar.cent.counts. Right?!

5. Ask for Gift Cards as Presents

Birthday or Anniversary coming up? Your parents or sister wants to know what you want? Ask for gift cards! That way, you can choose something you need and love!

6. Adopt Minimalism as a Lifestyle

I remember when we first had our daughter, caught in the joy of being a new parent, I wanted to buy her something every time we went out. Flash forward a few years later, we ended up with toys, toys and more toys.

Some Most of them ended up being money spent and money wasted as she played with it for a day or two and went right back to playing with empty boxes or beating pots and pans.

Minimalism doesn’t just apply to toys and kids, but rather is an entire lifestyle choice. The great thing is that once you choose to adopt a minimalist lifestyle, you can end up saving thousands of dollars as you stick to only purchasing necessities.

As you transition into a minimalist lifestyle, you can also start decluttering, using a garage sale to get some extra cash along the way. Remember, less is more, except when it comes to money of course.

7. Use the 30-Day Rule


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