
30 Day Confidence Challenge: Easy Steps to a Confident You!


If you usually shy away from making your voice heard then today is the day to let people know what you really think!

Day #7 Face Your Fear

We all know fear is a natural response designed to keep us safe… But oftentimes we fear things that won’t ever hurt us… today is the day to face your fears and prove to yourself that you really can do anything.

Day #8 Wear What You Want

Embracing your true style can do wonders for your self-esteem… So today, rock that outfit you truly love (without caring what anyone else thinks)!

Day #9 Do Something New

Try something you’ve never tried before today… you never know, you might discover a new hobby or passion!

Day #10 Set a Small Goal & Achieve it

Achieving goals (no matter how small) can do wonders for your confidence and motivation. Today, set yourself a small goal and make sure you achieve it by the end of the day. It could be to clean that space you’ve been meaning to clean for a while, or going for an extra-long walk.

Day #11 Pay Someone a Compliment

Paying others a compliment is a great way to get chatting… you may even find they compliment you back! For an extra confidence boost challenge yourself to compliment a stranger!

Day #12 Smile at Everyone You See

Smiles are really infectious… not just for the people you smile at, but also for yourself… it’s just a fact that when we smile, we feel good inside.

Day #13 Think Positive

Time to turn those negative thoughts into positive ones… For example, if you feel like something is difficult to do, instead of saying ‘this is impossibly hard’ or ‘I can’t do this’ try saying ‘I love being challenged’ or ‘I love finding things I can’t do yet because it pushes me to discover new ways’.

Day #14 Pamper Time

Take some time today to really pamper yourself… You could take a long relaxing soak in the bath, treat yourself to an hour or so reading your favorite book or even watch a feel-good film… but make sure that by the end of the day, you go to bed feeling refreshed & relaxed.

Day #15 Be Generous

Do you have something to offer somebody else without getting anything in return? Being generous to others is a great way to prove to yourself that you do have value.

Day #16 Tidy Your Space

It’s amazing how having a fresh, tidy space can make you feel instantly motivated and ready to face the world! Choose a small area that you spend a lot of time in and clean it thoroughly.

Day #17 Stand Tall



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