
30 Day Confidence Challenge: Easy Steps to a Confident You!


Have you ever noticed how really confident people hold their posture really tall? Try and stand tall today by holding your shoulders back and your head high… and most importantly, try and relax your body language while out and about… You might find more people approach you when you have relaxed and open body language.

Day #18 Set a Big Goal and Make a Plan to Achieve It

We all have some pretty big ambitions, hopes, and dreams but many people don’t come close to achieving them because they don’t know how… Sometimes, having a big goal can be frustrating when it feels so far away and unobtainable… so people give up! The trick is to set your big goal and then set micro steps towards achieving it… But the most important thing to achieving your big goal? Enjoy the journey!

Day #19 Stop Procrastinating

Have you got something important to do that you’ve been putting off? Maybe you think you don’t know how to do it?… or maybe it’s a really tough job that you’ve been dreading?… Well, today is the day to stop procrastinating on the biggest thing you’ve been putting off and make a start on it! You’ll feel great after, I promise!

Day #20 Be Honest With Yourself

Phew, this is a toughie! Grab some alone time today to get real with yourself by listing some things about you that you don’t like.

But don’t just list them… also write down why you don’t like that certain part of yourself and question whether your belief is based on truth or fiction.

If it’s based in truth then decide how you’re gonna change that part of you that you don’t like… and if it’s fiction? It’s time to throw that belief out and move on in a more positive way!

Day #21 Defy Imposter Syndrome

It doesn’t matter who you are and how much you’ve achieved in life, we all have that feeling of being not good enough at times or feeling like we don’t deserve the things we want… So today, find something that you feel you’re not good enough for and DO IT ANYWAY! Maybe it’s starting a blog, dining out at a ‘posh’ restaurant, or buying an outfit you’d love to wear… or maybe it’s time to start a course that will help you towards that dream job you want!

Day #22 Focus on Others

When you’re suffering from low confidence, it’s easy to think that everyone is watching and judging you which makes talking to people feel super uncomfortable. But if you direct all the conversation onto them by asking them questions about what they do etc… then not only will you start to relax, but the other person will feel really good too because people just LOVE speaking about themselves! Give it a try today!

Day #23 Do Something Fun

Sometimes you’ve just got to have some fun! Not only is having fun a great mood booster… but while your busy smiling, you won’t be thinking of any niggling insecurities you have!

Day #24 Be OK With Failure

We’ve all got something we’ve tried and failed in the past… it’s ok, I promise! Failing is the best way to learn new and better ways to do things! So find something you’ve failed at in the past and try again… or, find something new and scary that you’re likely to fail at on your first attempt and go for it!

Day #25 Compliment Yourself

You’ve complimented others, faced some big fears, and made some great progress towards a more confident you… so compliment yourself today as much as you can! You deserve it!

Day #26 Hone Your Skill

Ever been told how good you are at something? Or do you have something that you love to do but wish you were better at it? Maybe it’s learning to play piano, or drawing and painting… maybe it’s makeup, gaming, cooking or singing or performing in some way… No matter what it is, choose something you want to be awesome at and start practicing today!

Day #27 Say No

It’s honestly ok to say NO without needing a reason or good excuse, but it can be really hard to do it in reality! So challenge yourself to say no today when someone asks you to do something that you don’t really want to do!

Day #28 Prioritize You

This one is similar to saying ‘no’ in that you need to put yourself first. Sure, it’s great to be kind and generous towards others, but not at a detriment to your own happiness. So make sure today that you keep yourself as the top priority when someone asks you to do something, or when you’re going about your day.

Day #29 Be Grateful

Being grateful for what you have right now really is the key to long-term happiness and confidence. So today, either write down or take a mental note of everything you’ve got to feel grateful about… maybe it’s your health, your warm, safe home, the internet, the food you eat, the bed you sleep in, the people around you and so on…

Day #30 Reflect

On day one you wrote down a list of your best qualities… so today, (without looking at that first list) write down a list of your best qualities again… what do you feel really good about, what have you achieved in life and over the last 30 days? Once you’ve got that second list of your best qualities then grab your old one and compare them… How far have you come?


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