
30+ Essential Suitcase Packing Tips Everyone Should Know

Packing luggage should always begin with a solid list of what to pack.

I know, this is such a ‘mom’ tip, but there’s a reason why moms are always right.

Especially in the period before a trip when you’re stressed about all the things to do before traveling abroad, it’s all too easy to forget items you need.

That’s why I always make a packing list to keep myself organized!

Feeling lazy? You can steal a comprehensive printable checklist from me below.

2. … and always end by reviewing your packing list

It’s silly how often people forget this step.

There’s a reason you made that list!

Make sure you go through all the items the night before you leave (or the morning of) to make sure you haven’t forgotten a single thing, especially the small stuff.

For extra paranoid parrots like me, I always write a “HARDCORE ESSENTIALS” note on my phone that I review the morning of my flight.

Things like passport, money, hair straightener (sorry, I’m vain), and sunglasses (the #1 thing I manage to always forget). This way I know I have everything I absolutely need.

3. Know your airline’s baggage fee policy

Every packing guide will give you this tip, but I’m here to underline it and circle it in a bright red pen, especially if you are visiting Europe.

Because seriously, the inconsistency among airlines (especially the budget variety like RyanAir or Wizz Air) is pretty infuriating.

SO, avoid surprises at the airport by knowing what you’re working with right from the start. A quick Google before you pack can help save you loads of stress (and potential overweight fees!)

You can also invest in a cheap handheld luggage scale like this one for less than 10 bucks off Amazon which you can use for years and it’s great for ease of mind.

If you don’t have one already, I also highly recommend buying a compact looking carry-on suitcase .

A lot of the time, attendants don’t care to weigh luggage (when you’re travelling carry-on only) and all they do is take one quick look at the size, so if you have a nice suitcase that doesn’t look huge, you’ll be much less likely to get stopped.

Which would I recommend? Well, is near-identical to the Samsonite I travel with, and I’ve never once been stopped for bag inspection! I love the ease of mind it gives me and it can hold a surprising amount of stuff. I travel with it on pretty much every trip!

4. Bring the right bag


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