Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids, the beneficial effect of which shows itself both when taken by mouth and used externally. Clamotion brings to your attention 30 situations where this unique product is simply indispensable.
For health

When you get a cut or a small wound. Coconut oil contributes to faster wound healing. Just oil the injured area of your skin. NBCI
Teeth and mouth care. Coconut oil successfully fights fetid breath and dental plaque. Wash your mouth with a tablespoon of melted coconut oil mornings and evenings before brushing your teeth. NBCI
When suffering from inflammations. This oil has an anti-inflammatory effect. Use it to gargle when coughing, and oil injured areas when they get a burn or an insect bite. jisppd
When having fever or pain. Coconut oil acts as a fever reducer and a painkiller, which is why it’s better to increase its consumption when you have a sore throat or other cold-related illness. NBCI
When you’ve got a hangover. Coconut oil consumption reduces the negative consequences of drinking alcohol. NBCI
For thyroid glands. Studies show that regular consumption of coconut oil improves thyroid gland function. dailyhealthpost
For bones. The oil consumption averts osteoporosis. It also helps to reduce arthritis pain if you use it to massage joints. NBCI
Protection from mosquitos. To keep them away, mix several drops of ylang-ylang essential oil with coconut oil and apply to skin. NBCI