
4 Easy Tips to Organize Print Photos

  • How To Organize Printed Photos
    • Declutter The Photos
    • Sort The Printed Photos Into Groups
    • Label The Photos
    • Organize The Photos Into Containers
  • Digitizing Photos
  • Common FAQs
  • More Helpful Organization Tips

How To Organize Printed Photos

To organize your loose photos, I recommend a few things.

  • Time to declutter
  • Bins to store the photos in
  • Acid-free way to label photos

The container store has these great acid free craft and photo storage containers. You can also pick them up from Amazon if you don’t have a container store nearby.

You can get them in different sizes and colors, but I picked up a larger bin that has 12 colored containers. I liked them because each container inside was large so it could hold a lot of photos, plus because they are acid-free I don’t need to worry about my pictures being damaged.

If you don’t need something as sturdy as plastic, you could also use this box and envelope system from Amazon. It would be great to use if you want to store your pictures in drawers or in a cabinet.

Declutter The Photos


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