
5 Foods That Put You To Sleep Instantly

People with calcium deficiency are more likely to experience sleep disorders. So, you should consume milk, yogurt and other dairy products to provide your body with the necessary amounts of calcium. You can also include other calcium-rich foods such as leafy green vegetables (kale or collards).


Cherries are also very beneficial for treating sleep disorders. One glass of cherry juice (250ml) can increase the levels of melatonin (the sleep hormone). This in turn, will improve your sleep. Melatonin regulates the so called circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle). You can get the same results by consuming fresh or dried cherries between your meals.

Whole grains

Whole grains like bulgur and barley are rich in magnesium. Usually, people do not consume magnesium-rich foods which may result in magnesium deficiency. As a result, you may experience sleep disorders.


Consuming a cup of cocoa before going to sleep can be very beneficial. It acts as a natural sedative and it contains magnesium which can improve your sleep. What is more, the unsweetened cocoa powder contains tryptophan which can fight insomnia.

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