Everywhere you turn, people offer personal finance advice that is supposed to make your life better.
That’s nice if those tips are actually true.
Unfortunately, not all frugal living and personal finance tips are created equal. Here are 5 myths that will keep you poor.
Myth #1: Good Deals Save You Money
FOMO. Ever heard of it? It stands for: Fear of Missing Out.
Marketers love it.
They tell you this incredible deal is going away, and if you don’t act now, then you will miss out forever.
Or, at least until next time.
Is that deal really good?
Will it save you money?
Not really because you have to spend money in the first place.
We all love a good deal, but when you are presented with a discount, be sure to think your purchase through.
Is it something you need so badly you would purchase it without the discount?
Is it in the budget?
Will it bring joy to your life?
Does it solve a problem you have?
Not all discounts are the same, so think before you buy.
If You Must Buy, Let Capital One Shopping Find Great Deals
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