
5 Habits of the Super Frugal You Should Copy (to save big)

Put frugality on autopilot when you add Capital One Shopping to your browser.

A friend was ordering dinner online and was delighted to discover Capital One found a coupon code at checkout that saved him 20% off his order.

Add Capital One Shopping to your browser to stay in the know about these fantastic deals.

3. Lower Your Monthly Bills (without doing any of the work)

While pondering all things frugal, remember to keep focused on the overall goal: More money in your pocket.

Trim, a mobile app, will help you “Trim” your bills to reduce your monthly expenses.

This AI-powered app will assist you in improving your financial position.

Please note that Trim takes their payment immediately.

For example, if Trim saves you $10/month, they will request their 33% fee ($40) right away. But you keep 100% of the savings after that.

Jordon’s 5 Super Frugal Living Tips

Once the first tricks are tackled and you’re feeling the frugal living lifestyle, there are some ways to kick your savings up a notch.

As you’ll see, you don’t have to be cheap to be frugal with money – rather clever ideas will save you money and add up the dollars you save.

1. Take a Bucket Into the Shower


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