Inside: Love your spin mop? Check out all the uses for a spin mop. It’s not just for cleaning floors. Learn how to use your spin mop to clean tile, baseboards, and more!
I have always had a love for infomercials. I can get sucked into one in a second and easily spend an hour watching them. If they are cleaning infomercials it’s even better. It’s amazing what some of the cleaning products claim to do.
So when the spin mop came out I was so excited. It made cleaning everything look so easy. I held off until a couple of months ago when I found a great deal at Aldi. Mine is very similar to the one here. I was telling my sister how great the spin mop was when she mentioned you could use it on more than just floors.
Since then I have been using the spin mop all around the house. There are so many uses for a spin mop beyond just mopping the floor. In case you have been on the fence about buying one here are a few of my favorite uses for a spin mop.
Clean Hardwoods
I don’t like mopping our hardwood floors too often because it leaves them too wet. However, I can get the spin mop really dry by spinning it a bunch of times and IÂ feel it is much better on the hardwoods. If you don’t like to use water on hardwoods you can use the mop completely dry to sweep up any dirt or debris.
Clean Baseboards
This was a game-changer for me! I hate cleaning baseboards and don’t do it that often.
Using this as a baseboard mop was easy and saved me so much time!
The spin mop can easily clean the baseboards around a room in minutes. I just rolled the head of the mop around the edges of the baseboard to get them clean.
I am sure that it doesn’t do as well as when I go around on my hands and knees and scrub them with a magic eraser, but to get off some dust and small spills this works great.
If you really want an amazing baseboard mop I recommend looking for one that has a flat side to run along the floor like this one here.
Clean Tile in Bathroom
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