
50 Self-Soothing Techniques to Calm Anxiety + Stress

During times of stress, emotions tend to run high and you may not feel like yourself. This can be true if you struggle with anxiety or are feeling overwhelmed by the outside world. Self-soothing techniques help to regulate your emotions and bring you back to a calmer state again.

When I first started counseling, self-soothing techniques helped to ease my anxiety. I’d have moments of high panic where I couldn’t stop crying. It’d cause my whole body to shake.

When things got to that level, I’d feel as though I lost a sense of control. My counselor taught me a lot of healthy and simple ways to deal with my emotions.

Even just taking walks to the lake and looking up at the sky brought me more peace. I’d think about how Lake Michigan seemed endless and how nice the grass felt on my toes in the summer. To this day, I still use similar self-soothing techniques to calm my anxiety.

What is Self-Soothing?

Self-soothing (or coping) strategies are a way to manage your emotions during stressful times. If you’re feeling upset or near burnout, it’s good to have some go-to techniques to relax your body and mind.

Having healthy coping methods you can do on your own will help you out in your self care journey. They also come in handy if panic comes on suddenly and without warning. It’s crucial to note that self-soothing doesn’t replace reaching out to your support network.

Staying connected to the people you love is an important part of looking after your mental health and wellbeing. But think of these skills as just another “tool” in your self care tool kit.

De-Stress with the Senses


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