
50 Self-Soothing Techniques to Calm Anxiety + Stress

A helpful way to relax your body and mind is to focus on the five senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. This is probably one of the simplest approaches to categorizing and finding self-soothing techniques that work for you.

Everyone is different, so think about the things that bring you peace during stressful periods. You’ll find that what works for you may not work for someone else. Also, remember that some of the activities will overlap when it comes to the various senses and that’s okay!


1. Hang up old photographs.

Print out your favorite photos and hang them up. You can even DIY a photo wall as a way to recall some of your best memories!

2. Draw a picture of your favorite place.

What’s a location that means a lot to you? Grab some colored pencils, crayons, or markers and start drawing! If you have paint, you can even work on a painting of your favorite place!

california evening sky - self-soothing views

3. Start a gratitude list.

Write down a gratitude list featuring some of your favorite things. Thirteen Thoughts wrote an awesome blog post on the 100 things she’s grateful for! 💗

4. Download a nature app for daily walks.

Take in all of the sights as you walk around your neighborhood. What do you see? There are also helpful apps you can use to appreciate the nature around you,  🍁

5. Make a themed collage on Canva


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