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Label, Label, Label
If you are having a hard time keeping things organized I highly recommend labeling where things go. This works really well in rooms like the kitchen where anyone in the family will be putting things away. You want to make sure everyone know where things go.
If you have small items you can store them in a bin and just label the bin. Or for larger items, you can label the cabinet shelf so everyone knows where things go. You can use a simple label from a label maker, or if you want to get really fancy I love these labels that At Home With Nikki uses in her cabinets.
When you label everything it’s easy for the whole family to help you keep the home organized. You also don’t have to waste your time going through drawers or bins to find what you need. It’s a win-win for everyone.
Organize The Drawers
I used to be one of those people whose home looked clean and organized until you opened a drawer or closet. Then you really saw what a hot mess I was. I finally started getting my drawers organized a year ago and I can’t believe the difference it makes.
If you have your drawers organized you are way more likely to put things back where they belong. It tends to make your whole home seem cleaner and more organized.
The best part is that organizing your drawers doesn’t have to take a lot of time. You can do one drawer at a time at your own pace. Take everything out of the drawer, decide what to keep, and then put everything back into the drawer.
To keep things separated out in the drawers I like to use binning strips and wood. It is inexpensive and is very easy to change around if you need to add or move things. You can see how I use binning strips in the kitchen here.
Eliminate Paper Clutter
Between forms to fill out, receipts, and bills to be paid you can often feel like you are drowning in paper clutter. Taming and organizing the paper clutter is an easy way to have a more organized home.
One of the easiest ways to get rid of some of the paper clutter is to switch bills to pay them online. You can stop the flow of paper that comes into your home. Most utilities and banks will let you switch to online billing. Plus, you save on stamps.
Another easy way to deal with the paper clutter is to have a place to put all the to-do paperwork. I attached a plastic organizer to the inside of our cabinet. Whenever we get a form that needs to be filled out or bill from the doctor we put it up in the folder. On Sunday my husband and I sit down and take care of everything. It keeps everything in one place.
If you tend to save a lot of paperwork I recommend having a filing system that works for you. That way everything always gets filed like it should and it is easy to file.
Use What Works For You
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