Enriched with B vitamins and iron, spinach meets the basic needs of the pancreas. Iron helps prevent inflammation and vitamin B nourishes the pancreas. Combine spinach and onion to make a salad, or sauté spinach and garlic to please your pancreas.
Spinach is loaded with a cancer-fighting agent called MGDG (monogalactosyldiacylglycerol), which can reduce the chances of pancreatic cancer.
Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and kale are known for their properties that fight cancer cells in the pancreas, keeping the organ fit and disease-free.
These vegetables provide easily absorbable nutrients loaded with flavonoids, which help strengthen our body’s detoxification mechanism.
Red Grapes
Red grapes contain resveratrol, a phenolic substance that is also considered a powerful antioxidant. It helps to reduce the inflammation of the pancreas and also destroys the cancer cells of the pancreas.
Experts advise taking a serving of red grapes once a day in its rawest form. People also choose to consume red wine for the same benefits. However, eating it raw is much more beneficial than at any other stage.
Sweet Potato
Do you believe in the theory that if the food looks like an organ in our body, it helps to nourish that particular organ? Like nuts for the brain, celery for the bones, and tomatoes for the heart, the sweet potato’s resemblance to the shape and color of the pancreas is incredible.
That said, sweet potatoes reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by up to 50%. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels by gradually releasing sugar into the bloodstream.
Tips To Keep Your Pancreas Healthy:
People with pancreas problems or pancreatitis should only get about 30-40% of their calories from fat and only from natural sources.
Avoid alcohol, any type of processed food, and refined carbohydrates, as carbohydrates work against the insulin secreted by the pancreas.
Drinking plenty of water is the key to preventing any disease related to the pancreas, such as pancreatitis, as it causes dehydration in our body.