The pillow was invented for supporting the body during sleep. But those who like to sleep on their bellies should probably ditch it.
Scientists came to the conclusion that sleeping on the belly makes the spine assume an unnatural position and the pillow, in this case, worsens the situation even more. In order to minimize tension during sleeping in this pose, it’s better to fall asleep on a flat surface. If you find it hard to get used to it, place a small cushionÂ
under your forehead — it will make it easier to breathe.
Normally, sleeping on the belly is considered the least healthy position for the body. But those who find it difficult to fall asleep in a different position might seek help from a thin cushion placed under the belly and hips, which will help sustain the spine’s natural position. Also, try using a flat pillow for your head and consider the option of sleeping without a pillow at all.
Pillow for hugs
It will be much more useful to sleep on your side if you use an additional pillow. You’ve probably seen those special pillows for pregnant women. They create additional support for the body, thus removing tension from the hips and waist. This effect can be applied to absolutely anyone. The pillow filling the space between the body and the mattress restores the
natural position of the spine.
The embryo pose
This pose seems to be the most comfortable. Whenever we think about a warm bed, we instantly have a desire to curl up. This position has its
advantages: thanks to the right curl up, the joints open up. The embryo pose can be good for people suffering fromÂ
herniated intervertebral discs. Though you’d better consult with a doctor first anyway.
Sleeping together
It’s always nice to fall asleep hugging your loved one. Now it has been found that it’s also
good for your health. According toÂ
research, people in a relationship fall asleep stronger and more soundly.Â
Hugs promote the production of oxytocin that decreases arterial pressure. This means that there are fewer risks for cardiovascular disease. And of course, sleeping together gives a feeling of intimacy and increases the level of trust between people. All you need to do is to divide the blanket and enjoy the sleep!