
6 Money Goals You Need To Set Today For A Better Tomorrow

On the last day of 2017, just as I was thinking about how the year went by and what I wished to change in the year 2018, I realized that all my New Year resolutions had been largely focused upon personal growth. 2017 was the year when I promised myself to focus more on my career and physical health. But at the end of the year, while looking at my accounting statements, I started thinking seriously about the status of my financial health besides the physical well-being.

Although I was making money and I wasn’t spending too much of it, I wasn’t too happy to find out that my savings weren’t as much as I planned it to be. I actually had to go through my bills and receipts to know where the money actually went. I found some unplanned expenses that I realized I could do without. I was desperate to be stricter about my finances and to turn things around for the better.

I wanted to change how I approached my finances in 2018. So at the beginning of the year, apart from setting some self-improvement goals, I also made a list of financial goals that I wanted to achieve by the end of the year and also five years down the line. I must say that the habit of setting financial goals has helped me a lot in taking control of my finances by keeping me focused on saving money rather than going on a spending spree. I keep revising my money goals every now and then to accommodate for changes in the financial situation and my finances have never been better.

The most important lesson that this whole exercise has taught me is that my finances will be directionless without any financial goals in sight. So if you don’t have a list of financial goals yet, now is the time to make one. Here are a few money goals that you can set today for a better tomorrow:

1. Make A Budget That You Can Live By –


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