We’ve all been there when we make our way to the gym and after a good workout, we’re riding that adrenaline high, and we think that there’s no harm in running a few errands. It might save us a few minutes, but it’s certainly not making our vajayjay happy.
Sweat is the breeding ground for a lot of bacteria including yeast that thrives in moist conditions, so as soon as you’re done with your workout, take off the sweaty workout gear. If possible, try to take a shower at your gym and change into a fresh pair of clothes including underpants before running errands.
3. Wearing Sanitary Pads
Yes, even sanitary pads can spell trouble for your nether regions. If your lady parts are sensitive, then wearing a sanitary napkin all day can irritate it or lead to chafing. If you really wish to continue with the pads, try using ones which are made of cotton.
4. Shaving Down There
Whether you prefer to go au naturel or not, consider giving it a shot for the health and happiness of your nether regions. It turns out that the pubic hair helps in preserving the air pocket that exists between the skin of our nether regions and the underwear. This air pocket helps in keeping the area dry and inhospitable for germs and infectious bacteria. In the absence of hair, there is no air pocket, leading to accumulation of moisture there due to sweating. So, shaving might seem more hygienic, but it’s an unhealthy option. If you want, you can trim it or try grooming only the bikini line areas.
5. Leaving Tampons In For Long Periods Of Time
Ever heard of the “Toxic Shock Syndrome?” Well, it’s a type of life-threatening infection, caused by a type of bacteria known as the Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria. However, sometimes it can also be due to the toxins secreted by another type of bacteria known as Group A streptococcus (strep) bacteria.
One of the primary causes of Toxic Shock Syndrome is leaving in tampons for longer than the recommended duration. So, even if it doesn’t feel quite full, try to change it as often as you can.
6. Having A Poor Diet
Having a poor diet is not only bad for your health in general, but it also puts your vajayjay at risk of infections and diseases. For example, if you consume a diet that has a high sugar content, then it can cause an overgrowth of the bacteria responsible for causing yeast infections (candida). And if you indulge in spicy food it can alter the natural pH of your vagina, which in turn can make it smell different.
To avoid this, you can include probiotics in your diet, it will help in the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut and do the same for your nether regions as well.
7. Using Panty Liners For Discharge
The vaginal discharge that you experience is a natural way by which your lady parts clean themselves. Some of us are quite conscious of this and resort to wearing panty liners or sanitary napkins to avoid feeling uncomfortable when we experience discharge. However, it’s not a wise thing to do. Wearing a pantyliner for long durations can irritate your vajayjay, therefore, don’t use it in case you’re experiencing discharge. If you are experiencing foul-smelling discharge or experiencing it in more-than-usual quantity, consult a doctor.
So ladies, if you want to have a blissful experience down there, then these are the habits that you should get rid of. In case you know of any other habits that have an effect on vaginal health, then let us know in the comments.