
7 Different Types Of Wrinkles And 4 Tips For Treating Them

Nobody likes to have wrinkles on their face. But eventually, we’re all going to get a few lines because we are aging and nobody can stop time. Aging is a beautiful, natural phenomenon but that doesn’t mean that we can’t slow it down. Following a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your body and mind can have magical impacts on your overall health! This includes the signs of aging and their appearance on your skin. Not taking care of your wrinkles can make you look much older than your actual age. Also, wrinkles can ruin your makeup by creating an uneven surface beneath.

To know how to prevent or lighten the wrinkles on your face, it’s important to know more about the formation of wrinkles and their different types. In this article, we will introduce you to the most common wrinkle types along with different tips to treat them. You can thank us later *star eyes.* So, let’s get started, shall we?

What Are Wrinkles And What Causes Them?

Wrinkles are lines and creases that appear on your skin as you age. They are more prominent in the areas that are exposed to the sun more often than the rest. For example, you’ll have more visible wrinkles on your face, neck, and hands in the beginning. As you age, the fat in the inner layers of your skin reduces and results in sagging. Also, the decreased amount of natural oils will make your skin dry, less elastic, and prone to creases. The exposure of UV rays in the sunlight will speed up the aging process and worsen the wrinkles. These rays break down the connective tissues of the skin which contain collagen and fibers hence making the skin weak and lowering its flexibility. The other causes of wrinkles are smoking and repeated facial expressions (1).

What Are The Different Types Of Wrinkles?


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