
7 Exercises To Get Rid Of A Turkey Neck

It is no surprise that smoking tobacco of any kind through pipes, cigars, or cigarettes will cause damage to the skin cells. Apart from the slow destruction of your internal organs, smoking can cause damage to your epidermis i.e., the surface of your skin. Not only does the epidermis get stripped of your natural oils, the skin tends to lose its freshness too. When you smoke, your skin begins to lose its suppleness and glow way faster than usual. Smoking also deprives the body of oxygen, which can be detrimental to your skin.  People who smoke often have deep-seated wrinkles, rough skin, and droopy turkey necks.

Weight Fluctuations

We understand your urge to lose the excess holiday weight as fast as possible, but it has to be done for a long period of time and in the right way. If you gain more calories than you burn, your body will store them in your body as extra fat. The skin’s elasticity goes to the point of breaking to take in the additional cushioning. Your neck and face are no exception to it. If you’re obese and have a large amount of fat, it will reflect as a double chin under your face. When your body gets rid of excess fat deposits, it can be challenging to stretch your skin to regain its shape, and it often results in a hideous turkey waddle.

Exercises That Treat Neck Pain

Regularly exercising your neck muscles will help to strengthen them. It will also increase your blood flow through the neck to your brain. Here are some of the most common exercises that are proven to reduce loss of skin.

1. Forehead Push

How to do it-

  • Place both your hands on your forehead.
  • Allow your head to go forward.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds.
  • Now pull forwards using your neck.
  • Hold this pose for 10 seconds.

2. Chewing

How to do it-

  • Keep your back straight.
  • Retract your head, so your chin faces the ceiling.
  • Keep your lips shut and create a chewing motion by putting your lips together.
  • You can also use sugar-free chewing gum if you feel chewing air is a problem.
  • Repeat it 20 times at a sitting.

3. Pout


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