Health & Fitness

7 Natural Remedies for Croup (and When to See a Doctor)

Croup is a common childhood illness that can be scary to experience as a parent. It causes swelling in the upper airway and results in a cough that sounds like a seal barking. It’s especially common during the fall and winter months and often starts out as what seems like a mild cold. The majority of cases are treatable at home and natural croup remedies can help keep symptoms at bay. Here’s all you need to know about croup.

What is Croup?

Croup is a common infection in babies and young children that causes swelling in the airways and problems with breathing. It often causes kids to have a loud cough that sounds like a seal barking. When the upper airway is infected, tissues around the voice box and windpipe will swell, and when a cough forces air through this narrow passageway, it creates the barking sound.

Most kids with croup get better in about a week and are able to be treated at home. It’s almost always worse at night and tends to get worse if your child is upset or crying, so try your best to keep them calm. The viruses that cause croup are quite contagious until the fever is gone or during the first three days of illness.

What Causes Croup?

Croup is caused by a viral infection, most often a parainfluenza virus. It’s sometimes, but rarely, caused by bacteria, allergies, or reflux from the stomach. The viruses that cause croup spread easily through the air. Your child can get the virus by breathing infected respiratory droplets coughed or sneezed into the air. These virus droplets may also survive on toys and other surfaces. If your child touches an infected surface and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth, they may catch croup.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Croup?


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