
7 Terrible Body Language Habits

6. Being Easily Distracted

Sure, this isn’t a nasty habit but it can cause those around you to be easily irritated. You might not even mean it offensively, but to those around you, this can come across as you being bored and disinterested in what they’re speaking about. Often people don’t even realize they’re doing it and thus don’t realize they’re causing pain to someone else. Make sure you’re actively listening to what the person is saying or do something that makes them see that you respect them enough to be engaged in the conversation.

7. Not Smiling At All

Smiling at someone is a crucial way to show confidence and openness in both formal and informal situations. Along with a firm handshake, it’s the best way to make a good first impression on someone. It can make people respond to you more positively and be more open and trusting towards you in general. At the same time, you must ensure that you’re not fake-smiling. Even if you’re the type of person who tends to keep a neutral face and have to force yourself to smile. Most people can tell if someone is fake smiling very easily and it makes you come across as fake, insincere and untrustworthy. A stiff looking face can make someone come across as unapproachable and cold.

Sure, not everyone on the planet is body language experts but most people have a gut instinct and will be able to tell if someone is being insincere. Have you ever made any of the mistakes stated above? Have you managed to correct them as you’ve grown older? Let us know in the comments below.

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