
74 Bullet Journal Habit Tracker Ideas You Need To Try

22. reading

23. relaxing

24. bath

25. go to bed on time

26. no phone time

27. manicure

28. pedicure

29. washed hair

30. styled hair

31. spent time outside

32. skincare routine

33. wake up on time

34. listened to music

35. no T.V. time

habit tracker


36. budget

37. savings

38. no-spend days

39. no-spend weeks

40. things to uplevel

41. paid bills

saving tracker

Daily Routine

42. ate breakfast

43. ate lunch

44. packed lunch for work

45. cooked dinner

46. tidied house

47. pet care

48. watered plants

49. chores

Personal Development

50. meditation

51. journaling

52. affirmations

53. gratitude journal

54. learn something new

55. reading

56. relaxing

57. written goals

58. visualization

59. complimented yourself

60. listened to a podcast


61. wrote blog post

62. scheduled social media posts

63. cleared emails

64. created a product

65. provided value to your audience

habit tracker


66. sewing

67. knitting

68. sport

69. crafts

70. blogging

71. coloring

72. creative project

73. home renovation

74. practiced instrument

habit tracker bujo spread

72 Habit Tracker Ideas For Your Bullet Journal Infographic | personal development tracker | Self-care tracker | Daily tasks tracker | financial tracker | health tracker | relationships tracker | Via: #captivating crazy #habittracker #bulletjournal #infographic #selfcare #bujotracker #habittrackerideas #financialtracker #healthtracker #relationshiptracker

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