Health & Fitness

8 Best Yoga Asanas for Knee Pain Relief

Yoga has a special place in India, as it is a natural way to tone and strengthen your muscles. If you are suffering from chronic knee pain, then that is caused due to the injury of ligaments, knee capsules, muscles, combined cavities, or other connective tissues. Yoga helps reduce the sharp pain of the knee joint, and it is always necessary to be careful before you try any pose and how it affects your ailments. Baba Ramdev knee treatment and Iyengar Yoga for knee pain are the two accessible Yoga pose that the yoga gurus are propagating.

Best Yoga Poses That Give Comfort To Your Knees:

Look into the practical yoga poses that help in reducing knee pain:

1. Bridge Pose (Sethu Bandhasana):

Bridge Pose (sethu Bandhasana) - yoga asanas for knee pain relief

Sethu Bandhasana, or the bridge pose, is one of the best yoga asanas for knee pain that help you stretch your joints in the knees that help reduce the tension. You can perform this pose at the comfort of your home and energizes your body, reducing the pain in your knees. Breathing during the whole process is also very important.

  • Start by lying on your back with your hands on the side.
  • Lift your hips and knees while inhaling fresh air, putting pressure on your hands and shoulders.
  • As you perform this pose, you can start feeling pressure in your shoulder and knee muscles.
  • It might be challenging to achieve this on the first go, so don’t expect perfection for the first time.

2. Hero’s Pose (Virasana):

Hero’s Pose (virasana) - best yoga poses for knee pain

Hero pose, also called Virasana, is a knee strengthening yoga pose. This asana works effectively in reducing fatigue in your legs after a long and tiring day. It helps in crushing synovial fluid into the entire knee joint. This pose also helps elongate your quadriceps. If you have a previous knee injury, then it is better if you avoid this stretch or at least perform it under the guidance of a trained yoga instructor.

How To Perform:
  • Place a yoga mat and kneel on the floor.
  • Bring your knees together so that there is a gap between the feet.
  • The thumbs need to be firmly placed on the floor.
  • Slowly lower your hips and sit down in the gap between your calves.
  • If you are having trouble bending so far, then you can place a book in between your calves so that you don’t have to bend more.
  • Try staying in this posture for 30 seconds.
  • Unless you have a previous knee injury, you can try this pose without worry.

3. Makarasana:

Makarasana - yoga to reduce knee pain

Crocodile pose or also called Makarasana is one of the best yoga exercises for knees that help reduce inflammation in your knees control the spasms. It relieves you from your pain and is also considered one of the most comfortable poses in yoga for knee pain.

How To Perform:
  • Place a yoga mat and sleep on it with your stomach facing the floor.
  • Keep your hands straight and above your head, keep your knees straight, only the toes touching the floor.
  • Breathing slowly, raise your arms and legs simultaneously above the floor as high as you can.
  • Try to keep yourself in this position for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Keep your knees and elbows as straight as possible for effective results.
  • Maintain yourself in this pose for as long as you can initially and then slowly increase the amount of time.

4. Chair Pose (Utkatasana):


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