3. When you look different
It’s your right to look exactly the way you feel the most comfortable, and the last thing you need to do is apologize for that. This is the approach that is recommended by specialists. Unless it’s an occasion, where a specific dress-code is required, you don’t have to rush to look anything like what others consider appropriate. Always be yourself and bring some colorful diversity to our world!
4. When you want to be all by yourself
The desire to be left alone is not always a sign that a person is in a bad mood. Actually, research suggests that spending more “me-time” leads to an increase in our creativity. So never feel sorry for not participating in any social activity, whatever your reasons are, and just listen to your own feelings and needs.
5. When you ask a question
In many cases, we don’t feel comfortable asking questions, because we have a fear of looking silly in someone’s eyes. However, specialists think that this is not the correct attitude to have, if you really want to be successful. Don’t feel sorry for not understanding something and don’t be afraid to ask for more clarification or help. If another person judges you for asking, it speaks to his complexes, not yours.
6. When you don’t respond to something immediately
There will always be certain people that consider their own needs more important than yours. This type of person insistently demands an answer to their e-mails, messages, etc., right away, without even thinking that you may be busy with different things.
Don’t fall into this trap — don’t feel sorry for not managing to fit into someone else’s time frame. If it’s not a question of a real emergency, just let them know that you won’t forget about it, but will reply when it’s possible for you. As Brené Brown mentions in her book, loving yourself more than you love others is the first and most critical step to seeking happiness and fulfillment.
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