
9 Frugal Hacks to Save Money on One Income

The average American spends $4,500 a year on food with a lot of that being lost in the drive-thru lane (this could easily cost $12 a day) and bad grocery-shopping habits [source].

If you want to cut down on food costs, try eating at home more, and follow a few simple grocery-shopping hacks.

Don’t shop without a list and definitely don’t shop hungry.

If you can avoid impulse buys (I’m talking about those tasty-looking snacks that are hard to pass up), you’ll be surprised by how much money save every trip.

Then step-up your grocery-shopping game by earning cash back at the grocery store.

Earn Cash Back On Groceries

The Ibotta app pays you free money to grocery shop.

Take a picture of your receipt with the Ibotta app, and free money will go straight into your Ibotta wallet.

(In our experience, the free money hits your account within seconds of the receipt picture being taken.)

What do you do with your free Ibotta money?

That’s up to your.

Deposit your money directly into your bank account, or redeem a free gift card to your favorite online retailer.

It’s time to maximize your savings on food.

Don’t shop hungry, keep a grocery list, and earn cash back on groceries with the free Ibotta app.

You’ll get a $20 welcome bonus from Ibotta just for using the app!

Download the free Ibotta app here to save money on groceries + get a free $20 Ibotta Welcome Bonus!)

Want to hear even more ways Ibotta can save you money?

3. Understand Your Finances and Use Budgeting Tools

In order to be successful with a single income, set aside some time to figure out and understand your finances:

  • How much money do you have coming in each month?
  • List all your expenses (mortgage, rent, groceries, phone, auto loan, water, electric, gas, insurance, property taxes, cable, internet, etc.)
  • Add up how much money do you spend on expenses/bills each month?
  • Which of those bills you pay are absolutely necessary and what is the amount? (Sorry, the internet and cable might not be essentials.)
  • Mark on a calendar when you get paid and when your bills come due.
  • Determine how much you have to set aside each paycheck to take care of groceries and bills.

When you have a clear snapshot of what you make and what you spend, you can now look for ways to spend less than you earn so you can save money.

Ultimately, that is the key: Spend less than you make.

Do this, and you can save.

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